The National Rail Accessibility Group (NAG) has been established by GBRTT to support the delivery of a National Rail Accessibility Strategy (NRAS) in an advisory capacity.

disabled people in and around a train station

The group consists of a GBRTT Chair and members comprised of independent disabled people with knowledge and understanding of the rail industry, together with charities representing disabled people.

The main aim of the group is to provide independent advice, guidance and constructive and considered challenge about whether and how the interests of disabled people and those with additional needs have been taken into account in the National Rail Accessibility Strategy development. In delivering its objective the group considers the interests of all disabled people and where appropriate other protected characteristics.

In addition the group also provides help and advice on accessibility and access to other project teams within GBRTT. More about our work to improve accessibility.

The group meets every six weeks, but group members also take part in sub-groups and workshops.

National Rail Accessibility Group members